Saturday, May 20, 2006

Inspirational Help

I am losing interest in just about everything. I was so excited to get politically active, to discuss philosophical ideas, post pictures, analyze dreams, anything, and yet now I am so unmotivated to write about anything that I am thinking about just tossing the whole blog away. If anyone accidentally wanders upon this blog, or any of my friends that may still check it on occasion please help motivate me, inspire me, by giving me a topic to write about in the comments for this post. One word would be enough. I need inspiration.


Anonymous said...

hmm, topics. here are some ideas:

-the positive and negative effects of technology on our society.
-why jeremy has such weird taste in food.
-a recount of your favorite day of all time.
-tell us about your new painting.

sorry if these are lame; it's harder than i thought to come up with something.

Andrew said...

The positive and negative effects of technology on society would work well. The other three suggestions are good if this were a diary but I want others to join in on the discussion rather than to just read about my personal life.

Anonymous said...

Wait, i thought of more!

-Why the DaVinci Code was the worst movie ever made.
-Why you are obsessed with British accents.
-Why myspace is the best site EVER.

Andrew said...

I was thinking maybe I would post about the different senators and representatives in Massachusetts and what I like or dislike about each, as a way to solidify my thoughts as well as get others to express their views. Or maybe just to influence people to vote. What do you think?

Another topic idea I have been thinking about is the secular vs. islamic fighters in Mogadishu killing each other. Obviously, I will most likely side with any secular group but I would like to do some more research into that area of the world and what is going on.

Of those three topics (technology's impact, Mass. House and Senate elections, or fighting in Mogadishu) which would you be most interested in reading about and joining the discussion?

Anonymous said...

how about instead of house and senate, you discuss the candidates for governor (elections Nov 2006)? and more importantly, in such a blue state, why hasn't MA had a democratic governor since Michael Dukakis?

Andrew said...

How about I include a discussion of possible Governors for the 2006 election as well. This post will take me a while to get out because I literally know nothing about the current politics of Massachusetts but I really should know more about the area I live so I think this will be my next research project. Eventually, when I feel I have amassed enough info, I will post it.

Anonymous said...

as a side note on the gubernatorial elections, how familiar are you with MA's Green-Rainbow Party? I don't agree with everything the party pushes, but I support their policy on gun control, reproduction rights, free education as well as their stance on same-sex couples. There are several other fine points they have as well, such as a progressive tax and decentralization of gvt. its worth checking out if you haven't yet.
You can download their platform at

Andrew said...

well I don't know how well decentralization of government will work in a society such as ours. Capitalism would run a muck with power. As you well know I am all for centralization of government and more welfare under democratic-socialism. Or the complete opposite which would be libertarianism/anarchy, ie anti-authoritarianism, but those are ideals that I don't think are feasible, at least currently, in this world.

Andrew said...

Oh another thing that I just read is that they want to shut down all nuclear power plants. Nuclear power is our only environmentally safe alternate source of energy for a world that demands as much energy as we do. I think we should build more safe-nuclear power plants that use a thorium-uranium mix that can not be used for nuclear war heads. The radioactive waste produced is easily containable and not hazardous to the environment in such containment, although that has been an issue in the past it not so much of an issue today.